Monday, March 23, 2009

Fairs and elections : a way of democracy

I remembered one of my Local Politics class about 'elections and political environment'. It was said that politicians used fairs as an opportunity to meet people, to be known and so to get votes. State fairs are important they can campaign and present their political ideas in a festive atmosphere and arrounding. This moment is crucial for them and they would not miss a means to be known and to present themselves. They often try that fairs are organised before Cacuses to get more votes. Iowa is very important because it is the first state to vote during the Primaries. So if fairs are organised before the Iowa Caucuse, it could influence the turnouts and the choice of the candidate. In Iowa, a lot of fairs are organised, like the Dubuque County fair, or the Iowa State fair in Des Moines. At any parades, Iowa politicians are present. Mississippi is important as well because their history has made of Neshoba County a main place of political campaigns. Every Mississippi Govenors since 1896 has come to Neshoba to address the fair goers. This is a civic tradition.
At the same time, people like that very much because it is a way to be closer to their representatives. They prefer to shake politicians's hands and meet their people instead of reading their plan and ideas in a newspaper. Everybody is happy, and that makes working democracy.